爱心接力 抗疫物资国际运费募捐



鉴于目前募集到的物资数目庞大,我们再次公开向FM地区华人展开募捐,以支付这批口罩的国际物流费,募捐金额$2500,额满即暂时关闭捐款链接. FM华人联合会也会视疫情发展情况决定是否再次开启捐款链接。


Fargo-Moorhead 华人联合会  

截至芝加哥时间4月8日8点45分,已经募捐资金$3,280.50. 捐款链接已关闭,请点击查看详细捐款报告


Fundraiser for the Battle with Coronavirus

Coronavirus outbreak lately made the news and is impacting many people’s lives worldwide. Here in Fargo-Moorhead, even though we don’t currently have a single case of infection, we are quite concerned as a community. We need to acknowledge that it is a rapidly spreading disease and just happened to be first detected in China, like any prior diseases we have heard such as ebola, swine flu. However, we want to focus on fact instead of fear, focusing on what we can do as a community. United Chinese American Fargo Moorhead (UCAFM) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization formed to help support FM residents who came from China originally. At this critical moment, UCAFM feels obligated to provide a channel of help. In China, many hospitals are in shortage of medical supplies such as surgical masks, medical googles, exam gloves, surgical gown, etc. That causes many patients not getting the diagnostics or proper treatment. Doctors and health professionals have been put in overtime daily but don’t have adequate tools. We are currently raising funds to send donations to designated hospitals in China. We are also looking into options to directly purchase and ship medical supplies to the health professionals what they need during this critical time.

Please donate from the following link:

Fundraiser for the Battle with Coronavirus

As of 23:59 on February 5th, Chicago time, fundraising has been raised to $8,434.16. Please click to view the detailed donation report.



中国加油 – 情系中国抗疫募捐活动



Fargo-Moorhead华人联合会决定联手NDSU CSSA一起开通*情系中国抗疫募捐*专用PayPal捐赠通道,捐款截止日期为2月5日。另外,UCAFM将从有限的爱心基金里捐出$500。同时,我们也在积极寻找医用防护服和口罩的货源支持国内。如果未能找到货源,所捐款项将全部捐给*中国华侨公益基金会* 的*抗击疫情*专项基金, 由其统一在全球寻找物资渠道,并购买需要的医疗用品帮助中国。我们将定期公布捐款名单,请不愿公开个人信息的同胞在捐款时注明。


1. 在线捐款,请点击以下链接 –  捐款已停,谢谢大家!



2. 支票捐款:
Pay to : United Chinese American Fargo-moorhead or UCAFM
Mailing address:
Ying Wang
2901 36th Ave. S
Fargo, ND 58104

Memo注明:China Coronavirus Fund

截至芝加哥时间2月5日23点59分,已经募捐资金$8,434.16. 请点击查看详细捐款报告